Bodog Ari

I'm Ari Engel and am also known as BodogAri online. I've played poker for a living for virtually my entire post-college life. In the last few years I have started teaching people my style and philosophy on poker tournaments. Many of them have done very well. If you are interested in getting my help, email:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Truth sometimes Hurts

but needs to be said. The UN has abandoned their mission, and deserves severe reprimanding. The "Human Rights" council is just one example of that, but it is a pretty huge example.

They basically do one thing and that is denounce the actions of the only democracy in the middle east - Israel - yes, I'm referring to the only country in that region in which a muslim has been allowed to vote consistently over the years.

The following is a video that should be seen by all people that claim to care about human rights. It's time to change the way the UN works. Note the response, this is just so sick- I'm truly disgusted that some of my tax dollars go to people like him.


Blogger sketchy1 said...

Thanks for the link. It's nice to hear someone fighting the machine from within.

I also started a new blog, check it out.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The U.N. is an absolute joke and a failure. It is the temple of liberals everywhere. It is where the spineless jellyfish of the world go to 'find a solution'. Here is my solution....turn that building into a mall and apartments!

12:50 PM  
Blogger KajaPoker said...

The UN is a thorn. When I served in Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank they were constantly in our way (and getting shot at for being idiots). That whole organization is a toothless sham. The only good thing they ever did was to vote for the creation of the state of Israel. It's been downhill since.

Good to see you use this space to promote some awareness. Keep up the good work.

12:36 PM  

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