Played some Live poker
tonight at the Crown Casino (10-20 Fixed) and got killed for about 8-900 Aussie dollars. It's a nice casino, and the pokerroom has been renovated since I was last down here. However, I never seem to do well there. Hmmm.
Came home at 1 or 2 local time, and I realized that Party and Stars 300's were starting. I went preety deep in both, but finished short, finishing approx 70'th in stars, and 20 something in party. Oh Well, tommorow.
The local papers here are ridiculously anti-Bush/America. It's almost comical that this stuff passes as news. Unfortunately, it appears like most of the world has to suffer through this. Self loathing makes me sick, and for some reason it seems, like that is one of the traits neccesary to graduate from journalism school.
My party DB #'s have gone through the roof, which probably means I'm playing too tight everywhere else. I'll do a little experimenting tommorow. Hope all of you have big sundays, and finish 2nd to me in all the majors.
Murf- It was a typo and has been changed to loathing.
Loki- Good luck in your search for journalists, u certainly seem to be on the right track...
check out twoplustwo and pocketfives, they'll provide u with better info than books. But u better work on your reading comprehensin first, I was ripping on J schools, that's it, never been in one, and no plans to ever. If in the future u enter the industry, please do not start hating the best country in the world. Yeh, I said it.
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