The Concious of a Conservative
I strongly supported President Bush's election in both 2000 and 2004. (2004 was my first voting year ever.) I am proud to be a conservative, and I support most of the same stances shared by conservative politicians and voters alike.
I believe (that all other things held equal) the less government involvement in American's daily lives the better. The government does have obligations to help protect its citizens including but not limited too establishing a police force, army and general security infastructure.
The government is not there too to "improve" the lives of the average citizen! That is not their job, and frankly, the average 65 year old WASP senator has no idea what "improving" my life means.
"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - If 2 gay people want to get married, go right ahead, if that's what makes them happy. If 2 consenting adults reach a business deal, go right ahead, if that's what makes both of u happy. And lastly, if 2 (or 2 million) consenting adults want to play poker online, why the #&*% is our government (set up to protect our right to "pursue happiness") trying to stop us?
I really hope this is all one big joke. We are in the middle of a global war against a fierce enemy, who will stop at nothing to inflict any harm on us. Our borders security system is a joke. I haven't formed an opinion on the illegal immigration issues of the day, but the fact that millions of people have successfully entered our country, and we have no idea who/where they are, does not reflect well on an administration that touts its security credentials so highly.
There will be midterm elections in 2006, it is time for massive reforms in our system. Government has grown way too large. How many people know that their is an entire industry in Washington, that bribes congressman and senators, to take our money. The mainstream media likes to call them lobbyists. It is so fustrating that I have to put in double as many hours to live in the USA as I would if I lived in a low-tax country. And then they go and use MY (yes tax dollars are our money) to build railroads and bridges in towns in Alaska and Mississippi that connect towns of dozens of people.
This is not a conservative/liberal or democrat/republican issue. We all need to make it clear that our government has grown too large, and we will no longer accept these kinds of ridiculous behaviours by our legislators. The current "Goodlatte" bill is just one more straw. Mr Goodlatte it seems, feels that my daily activities of sitting in front of a computer, grinding away a living, working hard, making good decisions, being rewarded for risktaking, etc... is soo un-American, and pro-terrorist that I ought to quit my job, and go join a welfare line. In this way, I'd just be an added vote to the large government party known as the republocrats.
Tommorow (Thursday) P5's will be hosting a "call/write your rep. day". I beg all of you to do anything in your power to save our great "sport?" (and by sport, I mean no physical activity games)
If in the past, you have been inclined to vote for a big-government candidate, I ask that you please reconsider your beliefs prior to the 2006 mid-term elections. For the future of this great country, we need to dramatically (and I mean like 50%- it is huge- the budget is not readable). Only when the government returns to its core responsibilities will notorious ideas like getting involved in the Terry Schiavo case, proposing constitutiounal amendments to ban gay marriage each 4 years, and banning one of the most capitalistic games-online poker, return to the obsucrity that they belong.
Please vote small government, and tell your reps to get back to business and leave our business -poker, alone.
I think it would be interesting to know exactly why they don't want us to play.
Is it because some poker players don't pay taxes on their winnings?
Is it because there is a wager between two or more people on a game of perceived chance?
Do they already know that it's a game of skill in the long run, but don't care?
They have reasons, and we know that. If it's because religious influence doesn't want gamblers, that's fine. Just tell us that.
We can't debate with them if they won't tell us what the debate is over.
I realize that they want to end online poker. However, everyone has specific reasons for making moves such as this, and I'm not sure they have fully articulated it.
Couldn't agree with you more.....on everything you've written.
you sound more like a democrat than a republican.
Democrat == free speech, separation of church and state, individuals decide their values not government.
Lets put a stop to bible-yielding conservatives all telling the world how we should live, act and think!
i wish you guys would get that twat out of office. We need to sort out global warming and human population control ASAP and the emerging world won listen to us because of the "you do it so shy cant we bullshit".
This entire bil is about $ and taxation. In fairness, poker players should be taxed. You use roads and went to school didnt you?
v.good read Ari, keep up the fine work.
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